Navarra is a region with more than 272 municipalities, 640,000 inhabitants and it is member of the Euroregion Aquitaine- Basque Country – Navarra. Navarra has made a great effort to advance in the development of renewable energy in recent years: 20 per cent of the energy currently consumed in Navarra comes from renewables. And now Navarra has developed a very ambitious energy plan for the region “Navarra for 2030” which integrates 4 objectives linked with the reduction of CO2 emissions, the increase in percentage of renewables, maintaining security in energy supply and reducing energy poverty. Such objectives are to be achieved through technological innovation, management innovation and innovation in financial models.
A summary concerning SustaiNAVility
SustaiNAVility was born as a promoter of this plan in the area of energy efficiency, in particular supporting the goal of the plan of “Reducing 30% consumption of primary energy with respect to the figures projected by the EU for 2020 in energy efficiency”.
To achieve this goal, a consortium has been constituted among diverse public organizations: Government of Navarra, NASUVINSA, AIN and CENER. They have joined Zabala Innovative Consulting as an advisory body. Government of Navarre will exercise the role of Project Manager.
SustaiNAVility involves a total of eight work packages in which diverse sustainable measures are developed. Not only will measures concerning investments be implemented, but others regarding management, follow-up and dissemination play a fundamental role in the Project.
Work Package Structure